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Over the years, we've heard far too many children say 'school is not for everyone.' While this has become a growing belief amongst many of today's youths, we know that the statement is untrue. The Hip Hop Head Foudation believes that every child should be educated and that education is for everyone! 


The Hip Hop Head Foundation helps to foster a renewed passion toward learning and school. With campaigns designed to provide incentives and awards to students, teachers, and educational institutions, we are seeing an eagerness from students wanting to be a part of the things that are cool about school.


We want every child to see school as a necessary value in their lives. We further encourage those students who are currently excelling academically to continue to move forward in their quest for success. ​


                                The future of America depends on the education of every child.


The Hip Hop Head Foundation believes success is possible for every child. The foundation's growing national movement relies on the support of legislators, corporate partners, and celebrities friends to increase the strength and effectiveness of its services. The foundation's ambassadors and affiliates remain actively engaged in its mission to give students the opportunity to learn and grow.[


The Hip Hop Head Foundation supports students and educational institutions nationwide, with the goal of each year presenting scholarships and awards to students through education initiatives & literacy programs.  We are working toward a community where every child is literate, graduates high school, succeeds in life.


A popular idiom is, "it takes a village to raise a child." That is why we have solicited the help of one of the most powerful and influential communities on the planet to help raise awareness about the importance of literacy. Many in the hip hop community have agreed to lend their voices, talents, and resources to help improve the literacy levels of students within the program.  This powerful alliance leads the way to a more prosperous and thriving economy and America.


Everyone can get involved, students, educators, parents and volunteers. Playing a part in the creation of a more literate America is everyone's business.


This is very significant:


- More than 30 million people in the U.S. are functionally illiterate, not having the skills to understand a basic news article, read a medicine label or even a menu.


- Eighty-eight percent of students who failed to earn a high school diploma were struggling readers in the third grade.

 -Over one-million children drop out of school each year, costing the nation over $240 billion in lost earnings, forgone tax revenues and social service expenditures.


With the support of generous partners, donors and volunteers, we are breaking the cycle of low literacy in communities state to state. We promote the long-term academic, economic, and interpersonal success of students and communities through three overarching goals:

  • To help students become college ready and workforce prepared; through the implementation of workshops, panel discussions, seminars, community events, and partner sponsored activities.

  • To help children start school with a renewed focus, committed to being successful. 

  • To perpetuate literacy and education as a value; which can be passed on to future generations


“As an American citizen I have taken advantage of a great education system. Having many career experiences in my life, I know how important it is to have an education. I can not image what life would be like if I could not read or write. Education is the key to succes." - C.C. Cowan, Founder







                      JAYE WINTERS - CO-CHAIR

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